Slow Pants

Brendan Coady
2 min readMar 30, 2020

Thoughts on Taking Your Time

I recently purchased a pair of pants from MEC. The size is a little awkward, but they are extremely comfortable, and with most items from MEC, I expect them to last a long time.

However, with the weird sizing — I’m an awkwardly shaped human — the pants sometimes dig into the side of my thighs as I am walking and cause chafing.

I have found two solutions to this:

Wear long boxers, which doesn’t solve the issue, it just prolongs it.

Walk slower.

For those who have ever done a walking meeting with me, I like to move at an aggressive pace. I want to get where I am going; the journey in the middle is just a necessary evil.

But with these pants, I am forced to simply take my time and get there when I get there (which is usually late).

I now refer to these as my “slow pants”.

In the midst of the COVID-19 quarantine, I have gone on walks during the day to clear my head and get out of the house. Wearing my slow pants has forced to take my time as I am walking.

Amazingly, I notice so much more of the neighbourhood around me. Maybe it is eliminating the goal of simply getting where I am going, or maybe it is the act of walking slower, but I am far more present.

My slow pants have caused me to slow down in general.

Taking a few extra moments in the morning to set myself for the day.

Taking a deep breath to inhale the sweet smell of coffee before guzzling it down.

Taking a moment to appreciate the soft music playing as I am working.

And when I arrive home, I am more fulfilled, my thoughts are clearer, and I feel ready to take on the next challenge in my day.

Maybe this has nothing to do with this particular pair of pants, and more to do with slowing down, breathing clearly, and opening up to the world around us. I just find doing those things a lot easier when I happen to be wearing these pants.

Coincidentally, I end up wearing these pants a lot more than I thought I would.

I think we could all use a pair of slow pants in this time of crisis.



Brendan Coady

Mechanical Designer. Hardware Enthusiast. VFC 2015 Alumni.